Studio Bampo Dottori Commercialisti has grown steadily and gradually with tradition and innovation.
Next to the founder Mr. Mario Bampo Esq., the Firm is built up on a young and dynamic staff aged between 30 and 45 years consisting of 17 people including 11 certified public accountants and auditors. The structure is suitable to ensure a personal relationship with the customer and offer, at the same time, a customized professional assistance.
The philosophy of the Firm is to convey the maximum commitment over a fast and quality service to its customers. This goal is considered more easily reached through the contribution of more people believing that only "union makes the force". In this sense, our professionals share daily important information each other and, where appropriate, their researches through technical publications.
This philosophy also allows the Firm to develop internal specializations but avoid a strict division into departments in order to train complete and versatile professionals, able to consolidate their skills and to develop a comprehensive view of the problems of the client too.
The activities of the Firm range from the ordinary activity of a tax accounting Firm, to more specialized activities such as the protection of assets, tax and strategic planning (start-ups, mergers, acquisitions and extraordinary operations in general), preparation of documental sets for analysis of intra-group transfer prices, management of “patent box” sets and voluntary disclosure program.
Via Giuseppe Garibaldi 3, 32100 Belluno, Italy
Tel: +39 0437 941019
Fax: 0437 943160
Email: studiobampo@bampo.it
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