“Il Fisco” magazine , Edition n. 45/1998
“Management and sale of real estate in Italy by non-resident companies. Classification for the purposes of income taxes and Irap "(by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
Magazine "Il Commercio Internazionale ", Edition n. 1/1999
"Non-domiciled resident" complicates English double taxation "(by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
Magazine "Il Commercio Internazionale" , Edition n. 11/2002
"Tailor-made legislation for e-commerce" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
"Dialogues of tax law" magazine , Edition n. 8/9, July / August 2005
"The new legislation on dividend washing" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
Magazine “L'Informatore Pirola” , Edition n. 24/2005
"Transactions with subjects residing in tax havens in Unico 05" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
Magazine “L'Informatore Pirola” , Edition n. 31/2005
"Dividend washing and new anti-avoidance rule" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
Review "Tax Review" , Edition n. 1/2005
"New accounting principles and passage to reserve of the provision for accelerated depreciation: accounting effects and brief notes on the tax implications" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
"International Taxation" magazine , Edition n. 6/2006 "The non-deductibility of professional services provided by subjects residing in black list countries" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
"Dialogues of tax law" magazine, Edition n. 3/2007.
“The economic capacity in contributions in kind. Exchange of participation and tax avoidance "(by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
"Professional Week" Magazine, Edition n. 32/2007
"The tax credit for income produced abroad" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 210/2012
"Business networks: regulatory evolution." Subject networks "," Contract networks "(edited by D Ott. Alessandro Bampo)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 213/2013
"Non-deductibility of costs arising from transactions with countries with a privileged tax regime and non-discrimination clause" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 215/2013
"VAT recourse following the definition of verification documents. Interpretative problems and application profiles "
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 216/2013
"Business networks: food for thought and practice in the light of the circular 20 / E / 13 of the Revenue Agency" (by Dr. Paolo De Biasio)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 218/2014 "Mortgage loan or real estate sale and lease back?" (By Dr. Elisa Bisconti)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 218/2014
"Transformation of the professional firm into a partnership between professionals" (by Dr. Federica Monti and Dr. S. Menegon)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 221/2014
"CFC White List - An insidious legislation" (by Dr. A. Larese Filon)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 231/2016
"Appointment as Director of a company" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 233/2017
"Voluntary Dosclosure 2.0, more shadows than lights" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 234/2017
"Tax escapology and surroundings" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo and Dr. A. Dalla Venezia)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n.236 / 2017 - Insert
"The tax residence of the companies" (edited by Dr. Alessandro Bampo and Dr. A. De Luca)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 243/2018
"Ok, the price is right" - Summary of the recent news on Transfer Price" (by Dr. Elena Pillon)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 244/2018
"The Revenue Agency and the new tax transaction" (by Dr. Gianluca Lava)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 248/2019
"Transfer pricing adjustments and their fiscal repercussions" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo and Dr. Elena Pillon)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 250/2019
"Treaties against double taxation even without effective taxation" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 254/2020
"A facility for corporate liquidity in times of Covid-19" (by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
Magazine "Commercialista Veneto", Edition n. 254/2020
"Corporate appraisals in times of Covid-19" (by Dr. Marianna De Martin and Dr. Cristina Costa)
(by Dr. Alessandro Bampo)
Il Sole 24ore, 5 July 2005, “Possible supplement on tax havens”.
Il Sole 24ore, 27 August 2005, “Dividend washing without compass”.
Il Sole 24ore, 3 April 2006, “Black list, the interrogation is not enough”.
Il Sole 24ore, April 3, 2006, “The absurd claim of a double penalty”.
Il Sole 24ore, 3 April 2006, “Paintings re-propose the danger”.
IItalia Oggi, December 16, 2006, “Professionals and black lists, an obstacle course”.
Italia Oggi, November 26, 2007, “Shareholders' dividends without appeal”.
Il Sole24ore, 10 March 2008, “Normal value calculated in the dark”.